

Mark Prairie Heritage was founded in June of 2015 by descendants of John Mark, the Oregon Pioneer, who crossed the Oregon Trail in 1847. At that time, a group of family members decided that an organized effort was required to help preserve and maintain the one room schoolhouse located on the original donation land claim, artifacts, and documents, as well as the stories and remembrances of the Mark/Marks Family. A 501(c)3 was formed and Mark Prairie Heritage was established with a Board of Directors to oversee the operation of the organization.

In 2019, the members of Mark Prairie Heritage joined forces with the newly reorganized Mark Prairie Historical Society to work together to preserve the Mark Prairie Schoolhouse. Our membership joined Mark Prairie Historical Society and have been working diligently ever since to ensure our heritage remains alive.

In 2022, Mark Prairie Heritage officially and voluntarily dissolved our 501(c)3 status. It was felt our mission was being effectively fulfilled by the Mark Prairie Historical Society and there was no need to continue on as a 501(c)3.

Going forward, Mark Prairie Heritage will focus on the Mark/Marks Family heritage and the annual Mark Family Reunions. We will continue to support the Mark Prairie Historical Society in its efforts to restore the schoolhouse and bring awareness of Mark/Marks Prairie to the local community and beyond!

Thank you for joining us on this journey!