The 96th Annual Mark Family Reunion to be Held at Newell Pioneer Village

Alright Mark Family! It’s time once again for the Annual Mark Family Reunion. The 96th Annual Reunion that is. That’s only 4 years away from the big one zero zero (100), but who’s counting?? LOL.
Since the Mark Prairie Schoolhouse had a bit of a traumatic year (you know, nearly being destroyed by some crazy ice storm and all), the reunion will NOT be held there. Instead, we will be meeting at the lovely Newell Pioneer Village on Sunday, July 25th from 11 am to 2 pm for a picnic lunch and business meeting. For those not able to attend in person, there will be a simultaneous ZOOM meeting as well. After the meeting, there will be a field trip to Mark Memorial Park which will be covered by a Facebook Live event as well as a ZOOM meeting. If you’d like to attend in person or virtually, we’ve got you covered!!
Even if you can’t attend this year, remember the 100th Reunion is only 4 years away so make sure we have all your latest contact information so we can keep you posted! Also, if you know of any family members who might be interested in attending a reunion, please have them reach out to us. We’d love to keep them in the loop!
For more information and details regarding the Mark Family Reunion, contact Erin at
To follow the progress of the Schoolhouse restoration project visit Mark Prairie Historical Society at
For more info on Newell Pioneer Village visit